Thursday, March 16, 2023


Newman, T.J.. Falling. New York: Avid Reader Press. 2021. Print

First Sentences:
When the shoe dropped into her lap the foot was still in it.


Best first sentence ever. Sure beats "Call me Ishmael." 

This is the start to the roller coaster thriller by T.J. NewmanFallingIt has a very simple premise. The pilot currently flying a major airline with 149 "souls" aboard (technical pilot jargon), learns mid-flight that his wife and two children are being held hostage by a man in their house. Moreover, both his family and their captor are strapped into vests covered with explosives.

The threat from the kidnapper? The pilot must crash his plane into a target or his family will be killed. That's it. The pilot is also warned that no one, including the crew, passengers, or any authorities can be alerted to this situation or the explosive vests will be detonated.

A devastating choice no matter which option is followed. Of course, the pilot tells the terrorist via his internet phone that he has no intention of crashing the plane and that his family will not be killed, but these seem hollow words without any real hope of coming to pass.

First time author Newman, a ten-year flight attendant, knows her way around the airline workings, from passenger profiles to procedures on airline communications and actual flying operations (at least, they seemed very real to me). 

The story is a pip, the characters believable, and the action non-stop. A thoroughly engrossing page-turner that offers many outcomes. How the situation ends is completely unpredictable..


If this book interests you, be sure to check out:

Hawley, Noah. Before the Fall  
One night, eleven people board a private jet and then, a few minutes later, crash into the ocean. There are only two survivors: an artist and a four-year-old boy. The novel follows the ensuing lives of these two and their attempts to understand why the jet went down and how they alone were able to survive.  (previously reviewed here)

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